Olive Leaf Crown Craft and Laurel Wreath Craft - Make crowns or laurel wreath similar to what The Backyardigans characters wear during this episode.
Basketball Hoop Game Craft - Create your own basketball hoop game with this craft related to the sport featured in the "Might Match Up" episode.
Tissue Paper Basketball Craft - Make a tissue paper basketball with the template and instructions on this site.
Paper Mache Globe - This craft relates to when Tasha the goddess plays basketball using a globe.
Basketball Coloring Pages - This site has a variety of basketball coloring pages including ones featuring real NBA players. There are also a wide variety of at this site.
You do not have to wait for the episode to be seen on Nick Jr. to enjoy doing these activities. You can see the episode on Netflix Instant, get it on the Mighty Match Up DVD, or download it from iTunes.