Friday, August 8, 2008

Olympic Opening Ceremonies Are Today!

This is the final day of the Coloring and Craft Blog Countdown to the Olympics. Perhaps you can gather you crafts and coloring together and have a fun Olympic themed party as you watch the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008.

Today's Olympic coloring/craft countdown pages are of some recipe ideas to make and enjoy, as related to the Olympics.

Olympic Rings Doughnuts and Biscuits - This site has two recipes of making doughnuts and biscuits that look like the Olympic rings. Both pretty easy to at least get kids involved in decorating.

Easy Chinese Recipes - This site has a few easy to make at home Chinese recipes. If you are too lazy to do this, then you could order Take Out Chinese, but these are pretty easy to cook up at home.

Beijing Olympic Recipe Ideas - This site includes some Chinese recipes included fortune cookies, which are actually Chinese American, but fun nonetheless.

Historic Greek Foods - Here are some Historic Greek foods in honor of the setting of the Ancient Olympic games.

Past Olympic Village Recipes - This site has some interesting recipes that were served to the athletes at the Olympic Village at past Olympic games.

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